Extended Staves
As I learn more about this art, I find myself yearning for variety in my instruments just as I do in my work. I've since cast some time into the craftmanship of these curious sticks. The length allows for a miniscule addition in grid space, but not as I might get from a Scrying Lens. As such, I find the choice between it and its shorter sibling can still be made of preference, rather than use.
Extended Staves
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Extended Oak Staff
Extended Spruce Staff
Extended Birch Staff
Extended Jungle Staff
Extended Acacia Staff
Extended Dark Oak Staff
Extended Crimson Staff
Extended Warped Staff
Extended Mangrove Staff
Extended Edified Staff
An extension of an extension of your mind
Mossy Staves
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Mossy Staff
Flowering Mossy Staff
Extended Mossy Staff
Extended Flowering Mossy Staff
No single one can possess greater wisdom than the many Scholars who are elected by all men for their wisdom.
Prismarine Staves
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Prismarine Staff
Dark Prismarine Staff
Extended Prismarine Staff
Extended Dark Prismarine Staff
Yet we can. We do. We have fought against saying it, but now it is said. We do not care.
Obsidian Staff
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Obsidian Staff
Extended Obsidian Staff
We forget all men, all laws and all things save our metals and our wires. So much is still to be learned!
Purpur Staff
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Purpur Staff
Extended Purpur Staff
So long a road lies before us, and what care we if we must travel it alone!